By Truth the Man departs from God and by Love he Reconciles with Him بالحق يبتعد الانسان عن الله وبالمحبة يتصالح معه Ps. 32:1-2; Ps. 51:4; Rom. 6:20-23;
Blessed the man that his sins were forgiven and the punishment was lifted from him. Because there are truth and justice humanity has been going away from God by sin. Purity and impurity do not meet, as well as holiness and Sin. Light and darkness do not mix. But because of God’s love and mercy that were exalted in the incarnation of the Son, and His death on the cross for our redemption, we have the opportunity to be with Him in His kingdom.
God doesn´t give up on His Creation لا يتنازل الرب عن خليقته Ps. 9:18; Rev. 3:14-20; Deut. 6:10-12; Matt. 6:19-21; Matt. 9:40; John 2:20; Isa. 55:1-3a
Many around the world are facing oppression and persecution, hatred and underestimate because of their faith in Jesus Christ. But the believers do not surrender under the world’s pressure, because they have an address to reach, they have comfort and hope, they have the assurance of salvation and better life by their shepherd and Lord Jesus who wrote their names in the Book of Life.
Greediness الطمع Col. 3:5b; Eccles. 5:10; 1 Tim. 6:6-10; Matt. 6:33; Ex. 20:17; Luke 12:15-21; Matt. 19: 20-22; Heb. 13:15; Mark 8:36
There is a saying in Arabic: The hustler destroyed the life of the greedy. Who is the biggest hustler, the biggest deceitful? The answer is: the devil himself. He plants and put the seeds of deceits, lies and empty promises to attract people toward him, to destroy them. The greed of humanity in general causes many of them to fall in the devil’s trap and nets. And those who make deals with him will lose their attentions and concentration on the right address.
Hold on the Truth تمسك بالحق Matt. 5:37; James 5:12; Mark 6:17-20; Matt. 5:14; John 3:19; John 12:35; John 8:12; Isa. 5:20, 22; 2 Tim. 4:3-4; Ps. 25:4-5
Do we felt sometimes it is hard for us to say the truth? Sometimes a man put the truth, or part of it, aside for a while because he wants to please the environment or doesn’t want to face its anger. Your conscience says: say the truth. But your fear and the will to please others say: be clever and do not mess with this people. How to do the right thing? What to do?
Recognizing the Times and Dates تمييز الاوقات والعلامات Matt.1-4;1 Kings 18:41-45; Luke 12:54-56; John 1:11; Rev. 1:1; Amos 3:7-8; Matt. 24:42-46; Ezekiel 33:11
Do we recognize the signs, do we understand them and their times and dates? We will not see God’s signs in our life if our hearts are not tuned toward the Lord Jesus Christ and if we do not submit to His work and the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
What are your Weapons? ما هي اسلحتك Judges 7:2-7,16-18, 20-22; 2 Chronicles 20:1-5, 14-15, 17,29; Joshua 7:1-5; Matt. 26:52; 2 Cor. 10:3-5; James 4:7; Heb. 4:12; 1John 4:4; Isa. 54:17
Life is full of many challenges, struggles, battles and wars. Some are minor issues but some are very critical and big matters. How do we behave in these situations, and what weapons do we use? The world wants us to fight in his yard and with his weapons according to his terms. In these kinds of battles the lost is guaranteed. We can win in this world only if we use God’s weapons. So, what are the weapons of God that are available for us?
Spirit, Soul and Body الروح النفس والجسد John 3:3-6; Heb. 4:12; Matt. 4:4; Pro. 4:26-27; Matt. 6:22-23; Rom. 6:13; 1Cor. 2:11
Many have pets in their houses and they care about them even like they care for their children. We also care for our cars to be always in good conditions…Are we taking care for our bodies, for our souls and spirits? They need good treatments and right food to keep them strong and healthy. If we starve our spirits the soul will look for other sources of food and usually they are very bad ones.
Why the World Chose Barabbas لماذا اختار العالم باراباس Mark 15:7-15; John 7:31; Mark 8:31; Luke 14:16-24; Heb. 11:24-27; John 3:19-20
When Pilate asked the Jewish people who to release for them from prison, Jesus or Barabbas; they called for Barabbas. They choose the criminal instead of the righteous. Why? The majority of the world still prefers Barabbas and not Jesus. Some they call for the name of Barabbas, out of fear from the powerful leaders, and some are ashamed what others will say if they choose Jesus. But also there are many that don’t want Jesus because His teachings confront their way of life, and others don’t believe in Him. We, the believers, choose the one that was and is rejected by the world.
The Ascendance of Christ صعود المسيح للسماء John 12:16; John 14:3; Rev. 21:4; Luke 13:34; Luke 19:41-42; John 16:17; Rev.22:1-5; Acts 1:9-11
Why Jesus had to ascend? Doesn’t He declare His love for us and died for us on the cross? Why He wants to depart from us? Many will wonder: What is the purpose of His ascendance? Actually, Jesus wants us to be with Him forever in a better life, in the new heaven and new earth, in the city which will come down from heaven, the heavenly Jerusalem.
Victorious and not Defeated منتصر وليس منهزم Eccl. 2:11; 1Peter 1:24; Phil. 3:19; Rev. 3:17; Rome 1:22-23,25; Phil. 1:20-21
How do you feel these days, victorious or defeated, broken and looser? When you go to sleep, how do you feel about your day? Do you go to sleep and your mouth is full of thanks to the Lord or complaints, pain and bitterness? Usually, the one that his hope is in the world is moody. If things go well he is happy, if not, he is sad and disparate. But with the Lord, even in a cage of lions or a prison you will always be victorious.
The Open Doors الابواب المفتوحة Matt. 26:52; Rev. 3:7-8; Acts 14:27; Luke 13:24-25; James 1:13-14; Ps. 119:105; Rev. 3:10-11; John 10:3-4; John 3:7,9
Many are facing hard times in their lives, and they shout in pain: “When it will be a relief, why things are close in my face? Why the doors are closed in my life?” It is frustrating. What will happen in these situations? Because of the painful life, many will inter the first door that is opened in their face and it seems like a door of relief…the consequences, mostly will be bad and even more painful than before. Without God it will be difficult to see relief and comfort. When going the way of Christ and taking his words as the light for our steps, we will see His opened doors.
The Power of Faith قوّة-الإيمان Mark 9:14-29; Luke 8:5; John 7:38; Matt. 13:58; 2Chronicales 16:9; Rom. 4:18-21
When someone believes in Jesus Christ and he declare this, all the eyes will be watching him. We don’t believe as to be the center of things; rather, when the people will look at us they will see Christ, being the center of our lives, and they will see the powerful great things that are happening in our lives because of this faith.
How to live our Faith كيف نعيش حياة الايمان Heb. 10:22-23; James 1:2-4; Gal. 6:1; Luke 6:36-37; Rom. 1:28-32; Matt. 18:15-17; John 18:22-23
How we live our faith in our daily life? Are we nice to the sin around us? Are we closing our eyes from the evil that is around us? As believers, we should know who is our leader and king, to know his way and going this way following him.
The Assurance of Faith يقين الايمان Titus 3:5-7; 1 John 5:13-15; Heb. 10:22; Heb. 11:1-2; Ecclesiastes 2:22-23: 1 John 2:9-11
Doubts are challenging many of the believers in some stage of their faith. “Am I a believer?” The first epistle of John is considered the epistle that deals with this subject and gives instructions how to overcome these doubts. Even, this epistle is considered to be as a measure and scale to check if the one’s faith is real and genuine, or is just a delusion.
How do you stand before God افحص نفسك كيف تقف امام الرب Ezekiel 2:1-21; 1 John 1:8-2:2; Gen. 3:12; Luke 18:10-14;
King David sinned against God: adultery with Bath-Sheba, and his murder of Uriah. But he did not run away from his responsibilities and for being accountable toward God. He stood before God seeking His merci and forgiveness. We must stand before our God and not hiding from his face as Adam did, not taking responsibility and not being accountable for his deeds. No matter how long we ran away from standing in our life before God, one day after we die we will stand. Are we prepared for this day
Like a Lamb to the Slaughter كشاة تساق الى الذبح Isaiah 53:3-9; Hebr.12:2, Luke 23:43, 22:42, Rom.5:6-7, Rev. 5:12, 7:16-17, 12:7-12a
Despite the great salvation and the act of dying to redeem humanity, many underestimate and even are mocking our belief in a slaughtered God: “He is only a slaughtered lamb that they dragged to be killed on the cross.” “What is so powerful in a slaughtered lamp?” Why hundreds of millions around the world are afraid even to bring Jesus’ teachings into their house?
The Power of Life and the Power of Death قوة المحبة The Song of Songs 8:6-7; Rom. 6:7-8; 1Cor. 15:55-57; Heb. 2:15; Rom. 8:35-39; 1Cor. 13:4-8, 13; Eccles. 2:11
When the writer of the Song of Songs wanted to describe and explain how powerful the love is, he compared it with the power of death. Why he did so? God created the universe because of love, He created humans to share with them His love…nothing can stand in the face of God’s power of love, but still when God showed how much He loves His children; the Son of God incarnated and died on the cross.
The Last Week Before Crucifixion الاسبوع الاخير قبل الصلب John 2:4, 7:6, 8; Matt. 20:28; John 12:23; John 3:14; Col. 2:14-15; Matt. 2:2; Mark 11:9-10; Rev. 3:20-22; John 17:4
What did Jesus do in His last week before Crucifixion? Jesus said more than once that His time has not yet come, but toward His last week before the cross, His time has come to fulfil and finish the mission that He came to do. Has our time come to be more committed, to declare our faith in Jesus, to tell the world about Him, or not yet?
I don’t know what to do مش عارف شو أعمل Rom.15:4, Ps.23, Ps.25:4-5, 2 Chron. 20:12,15-22
In many occasions and in junctions of our lives we face challenges and we don´t know what to do. We are confused and we don´t have any idea how to overcome them, how to move forward. The Bible tells us many examples of the people in difficult situations and how the Lord rescued them and gave the victory. The Lord is still the same and when we seek his help, he can guide us to relief and victory.
Lust and Desires Without Control شهوة ورغبات بدون سيطرة Gen.49:1-7, Ephes.4:26-27, James 3:15-16
It is very dangerous that a person looses control of brake and steering of his car while driving in highway. In the most cases he will be smashed and may die. Exactly the same is with our desires and lust. If we loose control on them we will be lead toward destruction, pain and death
The Mercy الرحمة Rom.2:4-5, Prov. 3:3-4, 29:1, 2Pet.3:9, John 7:37-38, James 2:13, Matt.18:23-35, Hos.6:6
What is the mercy of God? It is to get compassion and forgiveness instead of punishment because of His love for humans. It is practicing His patience toward the sinners. It is delaying the deserved judgement. We get the mercy of God when we don´t deserve it. Do we have mercy for others.
Prepare the Way for the Lord أعدّوا طريق الرب John 1:23, Isa.40:3-5, 41:17-18, Rom.8:10, John4:13-14
We have made all the preparations for Christmas: decorations, delicious menu, guests lists etc. Even we start to listen to Christmas Hymns weeks before the event. But are our hearts ready for Christ and are we prepared to receive him?
The Promises fulfilled تحقّقت الوعود Acts 1:6-8, Gen.3:13-15, Luke 24:44, 2Sam.7:12-13, Micha 5:2, Isa.7:14
The promises of God were fulfilled in the birth of Jesus Christ. Still many are wondering, if the promises were fulfilled, why they do not feel any relief in their lives. If we don´t see hospital around us, it doesn´t mean, that there is no hospitals. In the same way, if we don´t see promises fulfilled, we need to check if we are looking to the right direction or if we expect different results.
The New Year and the New Ground سنة جديدة وأرض جديدة Gal.6:11-16, 2Cor.2:14, Gen.46:2-4, Lam.3:21-25, Ps.103:1-5
The time is passing very fast. The year starts and ends very quickly. How was your last year? Was it desert and dry, or green and flourishing?
The Covenant with God (part one) ألعهد مع الله…الجزء الاوّل Gen.9:11-17, Deuto.31:16-18, 20, Jos.3:5-6, 10-11, 1Sam.4:1-11, Chr.6:14
During the God´s salvation plan for humanity, many covenants were made between God and people. These covenants were as guidance for God´s nation to know His way of salvation. God gave signs and seals for the covenants, that many took as the main issue and stepped away from God´s plan.
The Covenant with God (part two) ألعهد مع الله…الجزء الثاني Mark.1:9-11, Matt.28:19-20, Col.2:12-14, Eph.2:8-9, Rom.2:25-29, Gal.4:22-23,28
In the first part of the Covenant with God we spoke about the baptism as a step of obedience and not as a condition for salvation. If it doesn´t bring salvation, why do we baptize?
The Fear of Being Caught by Our Bad Deeds الخوف من ان يمسكنا العالم بفعلتنا John.8:2-9, Jer.2:26-27, Phil.2:12, Ps.119:65-71, Matt.18:11-12
Many times we, even as believers, condemn other people of their bad deeds. Sometimes we also are involved in such a bad deeds and even worse, but others are caught and we not. We are afraid of what people think and speak of us but we do not care how God almighty sees us.
The Second Mile الميل الثاني Matt. 5:14-16, 38-42, Matt. 6:2, Luke 17:11-19, Phil. 3:13, Isa 52:17
The teaching of Jesus is different from leaders and teachers of this world, because it has Godly elements and dimensions. For example His teaching: “And whoever compels you to go one mile, go with him two.” We see it difficult to go even the first mile, and Jesus wants us to go the second as well. The first mile we need to go for our salvation and the second is for the salvation of others.
When to pray…Now متى أصلّي…ألان James 5:13-18, Matt.5:13-14, 1Thess.5:16-18, Matt.6:7, Ps.79:8-9, Heb-4:14-16
When it was last time that we prayed? When did we took timeout of this intensive life and concentrated our hearts and minds with the Lord? It is not an order to pray. It is rather result when we seek God and believe in him. God doesn´t need our prayers. He knows everything, but we need it.
Neither do I condemn you ولا أنا أدينك John 7:24, 8:2-11, 14:15, 12:48, 1 Thess.2:4, Gal.6:7, Matt.7:1-5, 15-16, 1John4:8, 5:3, Ps.100:5, 141:4-5, Heb.12:29, Num.14:18, Rev.19:11, 1Cor.6:9-10, Ex 20:16
How many times every day we judge others, even spontaneously, in minor or big issues? Jesus said to the woman “…neither do I condemn you.” Jesus didn´t say, that women can do whatever without condemnation, but rather Jesus is giving her chance to change her life. “Go and live your life of sin.” When we correct people from their bad behaves, it should be done according to the spirit of God.