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"Give us each day our daily bread." Luke 11:3

About us

We are evangelical Arab believers in Haifa praying that we could be a vessel and a tool in the hands of God for blessing and salvation of many to the glory of His name.

How great is the grace of God! Many prayed for us to accept Jesus into our lives and now we welcome you to see what the Lord has done, his wonderful gifts and amazing deeds.

Our Vision 

The goal of Prince of Peace Association is to reach  Arabic speaking people with the Gospel and to teach them the living Word of God. At the Bread of Life Evangelical Congregation we pray, praise and teach the truth of God and His plan for the salvation of people in Jesus Christ according to the Old and New Testaments.

In our hearts we have the desire to encourage other Arab congregations and organizations to work together in unity and to strengthen the body of Christ in our area. Our mutual purpose is to teach the values of the Bible to our kids, youth, and families and to encourage them to live according to the will of God. 

We are also dedicated to serve the Arabic speaking refugees, in Finland and in other countries, by sharing with them faith encouraging songs, sermons and discipleship seminars.

How do we share the living Word of God?

  • weekly service for Arabic Bread of Life -congregation
  • weekly Arabic radio programs by Radio Patmos
  • CD-production of faith strengthening Arabic songs
  • discipleship seminars for refugees in Finland

How do we build the unity?

  • weekly teachers’ team and Bible club for children
  • supporting youth and preteen team
  • women’s team for prayer and organizing  seminars
  • networking with people who work with refugees

You can play our music videos here:

ولد المسيح هللويا  Christ is born Hallelujah

وُلِدَ يسوع.  Jesus was born

يا ربي الحنّان  Oh Lord, tenderness:

Music video Sälääm  Peace:

Christmas song videos:

By your birth, Lord Jesus:

I Follow You :

I Need You: